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Image by Eliobed Suarez



Dan Paltz: 608-712-9963 or


Monthly Meetings

The District meets as needed.



District 1 Map

District Commissioners

  • Steve Greb

  • Rosalind Gausman

  • Jeff Hodgson

District 1 Manhole Reconstruction Project

Sanitary District 1 Sewer Work Begins December 4, 2023

Dear Neighbors in the Waubesa Beach Area, Manholes on Your Property Must Be Made Accessible. Toilets and Floor Drains May Be Affected Temporarily.


Our goal is to reduce the inconvenience for property owners during this important work. The Town of Dunn website will be updated frequently as we receive information regarding the project.


The engineering firm, Mead and Hunt, will help to identify and prioritize the improvements and repairs needed for the 50 year-old sewer lines. In December 2023, HydroKlean will begin video inspection, flushing and repair of the sewer lines. This will ensure that the system continues to work properly in the future. Additional work to replace valves, upgrade lift stations, and eventually to line the sewer pipes will continue in 2024 and beyond.


1) Uncover Manholes on your property now.
HydroKlean company employees will be operating Utility Task Vehicles to bring equipment to each manhole cover for televising and flushing of the sewer. If you have a manhole on your property, access is needed for this project.  In order to minimize delays and costs, remove any obstacles to manhole covers on your property prior to December 4, 2023.  Obstacles might include a fence that prevents access to the manhole by the UTV, grass or vegetation growing over the manhole cover, landscaping obstacles, or decks that prevent access to the sewer through the manhole. If there are objects that prevent access to the sewer, the sanitary district or the contractor/s may remove the obstacle/s.  This could result in charges being billed to the property owner for the cost associated with uncovering the manhole. 


2) Toilets and Drains May Need Water to Refill P-Traps. 
When the lines near your residence are flushed during sewer work, in rare instances you may notice bubbling in toilets and/or floor drains. Closing the lid on toilets in your home during the sewer work is advised. Sewer work may occasionally cause loss of the water from a p-trap in a drain, and it will be important to run water down your drains afterward to restore the water in p-traps. This prevents odors from escaping into your home from the drains.


3) Traffic May Be Affected.

Trailers, utility task vehicles and equipment may be parked in the road right-of-way for the duration of the project. This may cause temporary traffic delays and one lane closures. 


For questions, contact the Town of Dunn at (608) 838-1081 or by email at


For emergency use only in the event of a major sewer back up into your home during this project contact HydroKlean Emergency Line at (855) 845-5326

Other Districts

Kegonsa Sanitary District

District 3

District 4


 Official Website for the Town of Dunn, Dane County, Wisconsin. All Rights Reserved.

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