2025 Elections
Spring Primary - February 18th, 2025 - Notice
Spring Election - April 1st, 2025 - to be posted
Polling Place Location and Election Day Polling Hours
4156 County Road B - McFarland, WI, 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM.​
Notices and facsimile ballots are posted in lieu of publishing (per Wis. Stat. 985.05 (1)) at: Dunn Town Hall (4156 County Road B), Quick Stop (1888 Barber Drive), Message Board on the corner of Third Street and Waubesa Avenue, online at townofdunnwi.gov and myvotewi.gov.
Absentee Voting for the February 18th, 2025 Spring Primary
In-person Absentee Voting
Week 1: Tuesday, February 4th through Friday, February 7th: 12PM to 4PM
Week 2: Monday, February 10th through Friday, February 14th: 12PM to 4PM
By Appointment Only: Friday, February 14th: 4PM to 5PM
During the Early Voting Period (February 4th through February 14th), if you are unable to vote during the times listed above, please call the town hall to make an appointment: 608-838-1081
Absentee Voting by Mail
The deadline for making an application to receive an absentee ballot by mail is 5 pm on the fifth day before the election which is Thursday, February 13th, 2025. All absentee ballots must be returned before 8PM on February 18th, 2025. To request an absentee ballot to be mailed to you, visit myvote.wi.gov/en-us/Vote-Absentee-By-Mail
Absentee Voting for the April 1st, 2025 Spring Election
In-person Absentee Voting
Week 1: Tuesday, March 18th through Friday, March 21st: 12PM to 4PM
Week 2: Monday, March 24th through Friday, March 28th: 12PM to 4PM
By Appointment Only: Friday, March 31st: 4PM to 5PM
During the Early Voting Period (March 19th through March 28th), if you are unable to vote during the times listed above, please call the town hall to make an appointment: 608-838-1081
Absentee Voting by Mail
The deadline for making an application to receive an absentee ballot by mail is 5 pm on the fifth day before the election which is Thursday, March 27th, 2025. All absentee ballots must be returned before 8PM on April 1st, 2025. To request an absentee ballot to be mailed to you, visit myvote.wi.gov/en-us/Vote-Absentee-By-Mail
Voting Requirements
You must be a U.S. Citizen
You must be 18 years or older on Election Day
You have lived in Dunn for at least 28 days prior to Election Day
You have not been convicted of a felony. If you have, civil rights must be restored prior to voting
Voters who have moved within Wisconsin less than 28 days before the election must vote from their previous address either by absentee ballot or at the polling location. Voters who have moved to Wisconsin from another state less than 28 days before the election are only eligible to vote in Presidential elections.
Regularly Scheduled Election Dates
Spring Primary: is held on the third Tuesday in February to nominate non-partisan candidates to be voted for at the Spring Election. Wis. Stat. 5.02(22).
Spring Election: is held on the first Tuesday in April to elect judicial, educational, and municipal officers, and non-partisan county officers, and to express preferences for the person to be the presidential candidate for each party in presidential election years. Wis. Stat. 5.02(21).
Fall Primary: is held in even-numbered years on the second Tuesday in August, to nominate candidates to be voted for at the General Election, and to determine which candidates for state offices other than district attorney may participate in the Wisconsin election campaign fund. Wis. Stat. 5.02(12s).
General Election: is held in even-numbered years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November to elect United States senators, representatives to congress, presidential electors, state senators, representatives to the assembly, district attorneys, state officers other than the state superintendent and judicial officers, and county officers other than supervisors and county executives. Wis. Stat. 5.02(5)
​I want to...
Application for Absentee Ballot - (Include your Photo ID as required with your completed form and mail to 4156 County Road B, McFarland, WI 53558)
Application for Voter Registration - (Mail completed form and Proof of Residency to 4156 County Road B, McFarland, WI 53558.)