The Town of Dunn’s Comprehensive Plan is an update to and replaces the Town’s 2006 Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of the Plan is to outline the Town’s land use management strategy to ensure that growth and development decisions are consistent with the Community’s desired character and vision for the future. The Plan will act as a guide for the Town Board, Plan
Commission, residents, landowners, developers, neighboring communities, and others as they make the decisions that will shape the Town of Dunn. For more information about the development process, please click here.
For questions or if you would like to receive notice of any proposed ordinance or resolution updates to the Town's Comprehensive Plan, please email Ben Kollenbroich, Planning and Land Conservation Director, at bkollenbroich@townofdunnwi.gov or write to 4156 County Road B, McFarland, WI 53558. Ben can also be contacted by calling (608) 838-1081, ext. 3. This information is being shared, pursuant to 66.1001(4)(f), Wisconsin State Statutes.
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